Donnerstag, 2. Juni 2005
Dear Potential Mating Partner,

I can no longer keep my feelings for you inside; like Dante in Devil Trigger mode, I feel unstoppable in your presence. The possibility of being your [lad/lass] is more exciting than a potential sequel to Earthbound. I know you feel the same about me, unless my senses are producing an unsubstantiated illusion of StarCraft Ghost-like proportions. To spend time searching for a better possible match would be a grievous disc read error. A truer mate than me you will never find; I will never cheat or exploit your glitches, nor will I try to mod you. Unlike Mode 7, the joy of our love cannot deteriorate over time, so just tell me I'm your console exclusive. Don't let my [Prince/Princess] be in another castle.
[via] - ein netter Artikel übrigens über "Girls, Games and Post-Feminism".

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